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The Fire Learning Network


The Alto Minho Intermunicipal Community (CIM Alto Minho), with the collaboration of experts from the renowned American organization “The Nature Conservancy”, promotes the 3rd edition in Portugal of an initiative usually held in the USA that aims to promote the dissemination, exchange and training operational personnel involved in the use of fire.

Alto Minho TREX  2023 is part of the CIM project “Protec | Georisk: Alto Minho 2020” (supported by PO SEUR).

This 4th Edition in Europe has the collaboration and recognition of the European Forest Institute (EFI)















Participants of Alto Minho TrEx 2018


In addition to the use of fire, technicians from various countries will be meeting for 7 days in a boarding school, where they will address topics such as fire ecology, organization and incident management (ICS - Incident Command System / IMT - Incident Management Team ), pyrometeorology and smoke management and their impacts.

Alto Minho TREX will start on February 10th, with a workshop that will count with the participation of national and foreign speakers who will present different points of view and innovative experiences in the international context. In the following days and until February 17th, pilot training and exchange of techniques for managing risk events and the use of prescribed fire will be carried out in different environments and ecosystems in the ten municipalities of Alto Minho.

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