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The Fire Learning Network


Registration Process: this process is divided into two phases.


1st Phase: Pre-Registration / Application to participate in TREX
2nd Phase: Once the Pre-Registration is accepted and the candidate's participation is approved, has 5 days to pay the costs with food, accommodation, insurance and equipment rental.


The deadline for registration is:
1st Phase - Pre-Registration: 1 to 5 February 2023
2nd Phase - Registration and Payment: 5 to 10 February, 2023


The existing places for participation are 50 participants and the selection will be made taking into account the geographic and / or regional heterogeneity and the diversity of the participants' wildfire fighting units.

REGISTRATION IS FREE: There is a 275 Euro fee for accomodation and food, general insurance, support and equipment rental.

Alto Minho Intermunicipal Community and The Nature Conservancy, the Fire Learning Network) international participants whose countries are not in the European Union will receive an invitation email so they can use it to obtain their respective permit and other documents required for international travel.


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